Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Healthcare technology and nursing leadership

Health information technology is the framework that acts as an umbrella to describe the comprehensive management of a variety of electronic methods that are used to manage information about people's health and health care, for both individual patients and groups of patients.
Health IT professionals play a significant role in improving the quality and safety of health by preventing medical errors, reducing health care costs, increasing administrative efficiencies, decreasing paperwork, and expanding access to affordable health care.

Health information technology provides the means to a safe, quality, and efficiency care today, into tomorrow, and in the future since the integration of technology is expanding in healthcare setting.

Informatics in nursing is the integration of computer science, information management into nursing practice. The emerging use of technology and informatics into the daily practice has revolutionizing the manner in which health care is delivered.

In five weeks journey, I have gained deep understanding about the integration of the Electronic Health Records and have realized its importance in improving the quality and safety of care and its relation to meaningful use (MU), interoperability, and HITECH.
With the emerging technology, all healthcare organizations have moved to the use of the Electronic Health Records instead of the paper. There has been a great improvement in the quality and safety of care after utilizing the EHR’s and increased collaboration among healthcare providers which lead to the concept of meaningful use- exchange of electronic health information for care delivery and quality reporting purposes. To effectively implement meaningful use within the practice, it is required to consider an important component which is interoperability- sharing data without losing context or meaning. If all of the above were achieved, the organization will receive its incentive and here where HITECH takes place.

Nurse Leaders/Administrators are key factors to the successful implementation of new technologies and achievement of quality care and improved outcomes. Nurse leaders/administrators should established a shared vision for technology innovation and application in the work setting and share it with the staff in addition their responsibility of involving caregivers in technology design, selection, and evaluation. Nurse leaders must embrace, adopt, and implement technology while addressing leadership challenges of how to respond to and accelerate adoption of technologies to support practice. In healthcare settings, we need transformational leaders who support innovation in practice, create an environment where improvement is encouraged, adopted, and sustained.
Nursing Leadership plays a crucial role in leveraging technology in healthcare setting in addition to their important role of incorporating and successfully utilizing the new technology. Nurse leaders should develop new forms of knowledge and opportunities to the staff in order to increase their buy-in to the emerging technology.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (n.d.). Health Information Technology Integration. Retrieved on August 11, 2015 from http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/prevention-chronic-care/improve/health-it/index.html
Cipriano, P. F. & Hamer, S. (2013). Enabling the Ordinary: More time to care. American Nurse Today. 8(11). SR2-SR4.
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). (2015). What is Nursing Informatics? Retrieved on August 11, 2015 from http://www.himss.org/resourcelibrary/TopicList.aspx?MetaDataID=767
Thede, L. (2012). Informatics: Where Is It? OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues inNursing. 17(1).